Welcome to the World of RT3HVT!


I started with CB Radio back in the late 1970's on A(mplitude) M(odulation) first late in the evenings soon as it was dark putting antenne out of the window and with low power making local contacts a new world openend for me specially when I found out the SSB I was always more interested in the digitale modes like RTTY, PSK etc.....

I started with Packet radio back in the late 1980's. and ohhh was so crowded but was a lot of fun to do with my very first computer XT 8088 10mb H.Drive and 512Kb memory can you imagine this nowadays? but it was fun. I stopt with Packet in 2004 and also with CB radio. I got back in 2017 on CB and Packet radio lots of things changed........

My set up is:

Raspberry PI Model 3B with Raspian O.S

Integral SSD 120GB

NL3TD FBB-7.0.11

NL9TD on UroNode v2.12 CB2

Raspberry PI Model 3B with Raspian Buster O.S

32GB SD Card

RT5HVT TheNetNode (Linux) (CB), Version 1.79cb54

RT3HVT OpenBCM V1.08-6-g5b69 (Linux) (CB)

NL5TD Xnet v 1.39 Flexnet only


Antenna Boomerang 27A, 25mtr agl

Signalink USB modem

NL3TD forward to NL3PRC for the NL Network.

RT3HVT is connected with NL3TD and RT3HVT forward > MO1BBS in Germany to get also the forward from outside of the Netherlands

Nowadays we have the internet and Packet radio is not what it used to be I meant we still make contacts through the CB Radio but our Node and BBS'en are all linkt via UDP wich gives you a lot of opportunity's so can I connect through my UDP link for node called A and this node have a CB radio on his port wich means I can make a connection with any local stations long as station/Node A hear him